Indoor and Outdoor Offerings – These events are possible because of the family of Mark Schmitt – read his story and be inspired!

A special Thank You to Waterstone Bank
for sponsoring the floating deck project. This deck will be used for outdoor Pop-up Art and Craft Events, as well as, other Social and Skills Events that are happening at our Waukesha Office.
Classes for 2025
Planning is in process and offerings will be announced in January 2025
Do At Home Activities
It’s essential to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in and enjoy these activities. Let’s also explore some creative craft ideas that can be engaging for adults with brain injuries that you can do at home.
- Unmasking Brain Injury Program
- (At Home Idea) DIY Stress Ball:
- Stress balls are excellent for relieving anxiety and improving agility. Here’s how to make one:
- You’ll need a small balloon, 1 cup of cornstarch, a funnel, and optionally, a permanent marker.
- Partially inflate the balloon (about 5 inches round) and pinch it to prevent air escape.
- Use a funnel to fill the balloon with cornstarch powder.
- Tie the balloon and cut off the mouth.
- Squeeze out the excess air to ensure it contains only cornstarch
- Stress balls are excellent for relieving anxiety and improving agility. Here’s how to make one:
- (At Home Idea) Pinecone Bird Feeders:
- These feeders are not only fun to create but also attract wild birds. Here’s how:
- You will need a pinecone, peanut butter, birdseed, and string/ribbon.
- Cover a pinecone with peanut butter, pressing it into the crevices.
- Roll the peanut-butter-laden pinecone in birdseed.
- Tie the string or ribbon to the top and hang it outside on a tree for the birds to enjoy
- These feeders are not only fun to create but also attract wild birds. Here’s how:
- Flint Rehab Ideas
- The Craft Train
Classes are coordinated by Deborah Stitch.
Class Instructors and Assistants:
- Sheri Krah
- Scott Daul
Volunteers to help with our Art and Craft Events. If you are interested, please complete the Volunteer Application