Resource Facilitation

Resource Facilitation is available to all individuals who sustain a traumatic and/or acquired brain injury. 

Our program was established in 2011 (Co-Founder and TBI survivor Bari Rieth pictured at right) to serve a need that was not being met in Wisconsin.

Resource Facilitation includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Providing you with the opportunity to be assisted by our Certified Brain Injury Specialist Trainer and TBI Survivor Kathy Richardson.
  • Providing families and friends with information and connecting them to resources
  • Providing employers with strategies and information
  • Providing survivors with strategies to live as independently as possible
  • Provide opportunities for survivors, families, friends, and employers to network at social and skill-building events
  • Providing survivors with a Brain Injury Identification Wallet card (see more below)

Our Resource Facilitators are skilled in verbal and written communication, listening, problem-solving negotiation, advocacy, planning, and organization. They are individuals who can work independently, like to teach others, can synthesize facts from multiple sources, and can provide emotional support in situations where there is no readily apparent solution.

Resource Facilitation provides ongoing support to assist you in finding innovative ways and strategies for living life as independently as possible with a brain injury (and it is a free service, but donations are needed to help keep this program available to all who need it). 

How does it work for individuals?

If you decide to participate, you are welcome to call us at any time and leave a message for a callback (262) 770-4882, send an email, or download and complete the Resource Facilitation Form  

A Resource Facilitation Specialist from the Brain Injury Resource Center of Wisconsin, Inc™. (BIRCofWI™) will contact you to begin the process of helping you locate information and resources.  

Note: This service does not provide or replace any legal, medical, or rehabilitation advice/follow-up.  

Resource Facilitation Includes the Brain Injury Wallet Card once the completed Brain Injury Verification Statement and photo are received.