Mark Schmitt’s Creativ/Edge

Mark Schmitt’s Creativ/Edge has been made possible by the generosity of the Schmitt Family.  

This extraordinary addition to our Waukesha location is dedicated to those with a creative side just waiting to come out.  It is for those affected by ABI and TBI who enjoy working with their creative hands, digging deep inside their creative minds, and opening up their creative spirit to make something beautiful. 

​The Studio is the place for activities and life enrichment programs where individuals can explore their interests and expand their horizons. You are invited to grow, connect, move, and create at your own pace through dynamic activity involvement. We encourage suggestions and contributions to keep our activities fresh and innovative.

Use your right or left brain after brain injury and find your “Creativ Edge.” Don’t let anxiety or depression or any disability define who you are!

Mark Schmitt’s Story

Aimee Schmitt was suddenly woken during the night of May 07, 2015, by a loud boom.  Hearing this sound and recognizing that it was not a normal sound, for the home where she lived with her husband Mark Schmitt, made her spring out of bed to discover what had caused it.  Imagine finding your husband lying on the kitchen floor and unable to communicate. Her first thought was to call 911, which was the correct move, because of what would happen next.  “Mark was lucid for 20 minutes before he went into a coma,” Aimee explained to me in an interview. She insisted that the emergency personnel take Mark to Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center, St. Luke’s; in Milwaukee because she knew that they had a Neuro ICU.  Later the doctors discovered that Mark had an uncommon disease called “MoyaMoya.” According to the Mayo Clinic, MoyaMoya Disease is a rare blood vessel disorder where ultimately the blood supply to your brain becomes reduced and this condition can cause a mini-stroke  ​This disease is most commonly found in children and traditionally is found in Japan and other countries in Asia, but has made a rare occurrence here in North America.  After arriving at St. Luke’s, Mark would stay there for his initial recovery,  which lasted three weeks before he was moved to Sacred Heart where he would remain from May 29th until July 3, 2015.  Following this long ordeal of recovery came outpatient therapy that he had three days a week all day from July to December of 2015.  During our interview, you could see the struggle to recall information on Mark’s face as he tried to recall various facts and often turned to Amy for the correct answer.  Despite what has happened to Mark he remains positive and has coped well stating that the most challenging aspect of his injury is “trying to find a new normal in my life.”  Trying to find a new normal can be challenging at best, but Aimee is so very proud of her husband for adjusting to his new way of life and being able to “go with the flow.” Read the rest of the story in Volume 6, Issue 4, Page 11 of the BIRCofWI Bulletin (

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